We don’t have such a problem

2019, multimedia projection/website

The project „We don’t have such problem” concerns the violence against women in Poland. I have used pioneering victimization reseach on violence against women in Poland conducted by prof. Beata Gruszczynska in 2004. This research has been supported by the international project IVAWS, and the results allowed to better estimate the true scale of violence against women in Poland and helped to uncover the hidden extent of the phenomenon. Research by prof. Gruszczynska reveals that annually close to 150 women deaths can be attributed to domestic violence, while 800 000 women experience physical or sexual assaults. This means that an act of violence against a woman is committed every 40 seconds, and 3 women die each week due to violence.

In my work every 40 seconds a white pixel lights up on a deep blue background symbolizing an act of violence against a woman, and 3 times a week a red dot appears representing woman’s death due to domestic violence. The work is presented in real time on the website, and during exhibitions it is displayed on a screen or projected from a multimedia projector.